Questionnaire #10 - Secured Creditors

This questionnaire is only for miscellaneous secured creditors.

Please list homesvehicles, or unsecured creditors on their own questionnaires. 

Please see the Bankruptcy Basics Glossary for a complete list of definitions such as secured creditor and secured debt if you are not sure.

This is a very important part of the process.  This is one of a few ways to present your list. You can also email or fax them at one time. I cannot use spreadsheet format. 

Please be sure we have every creditors full address. A creditor without a street address and city with zip code, can not be entered into the program. Enter as many lists as you need to supply each creditor. If a creditor is on all three credit reports, please only enter it ONE time.

Questionnaire 10 - Miscellaneous Secured Creditors